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Technical tips

Suggestions for high quality prints, well-suited to the products you want to offer.

  • 8 tips for better print files

    Would you love to have your albums arrive on your doorstep faster, hassle-free, and beautifully printed? You put a lot of work into them, so we want them to be perfect. By carefully checking for these...

  • Aspect ratio and printing

    This article explains aspect ratio and how this can change your cropping, framing and printing needs. WHAT IS "ASPECT RATIO", AND WHY CAN IT BE A PROBLEM? The aspect ratio of an image is the...

  • Why tight cropping can cause problems

    Would it concern you if the tip of the groom's shoe was cropped? It will seem trivial to some, but not everyone. Tightly framing or cropping your images can cause problems in album design and producti...

  • How resizing images works in Photoshop

    Modern cameras have sensors capable of producing big, beautiful images. They output files that can make large wall portraits without effort. But what happens when you want the image to be smaller, as ...

  • Reduced opacity on layered PSDs

    If you send us layered PSD files with reduced opacity on any of the layers, what you see on screen may NOT match the print - unless you check an obscure preference box in Photoshop's Colour Settings. ...